My genealogy research is mainly on some different Danish families: Rasch, Kirchheiner, Øllgaard, Hjertstedt, Oustrup, Hansen, Bentsen and Lund. Some of them have lines going out to Sweden, Germany and the US – plus a few more places – and when they do, I will of course follow the family line there as well.
When my interest for Family History started
Family history is something that I have been interested in for as long as I can recall. I actually think it started in the living room of my grandparents. Whenever I came to visit, my grandma would tell me stories about her family heritage. She would describe all the different people, how amazing they had all been and what they had achieved. At some point – maybe when I was in my early 20s – I downloaded my first family tree program. This was when I started recording some our family history and becoming a genealogist for real.
Along the way, I have discovered a lot of things that even my grandma didn’t know about our ancestors – even the relatively close ones. I must admit that I have unfortunate also busted a few, beloved family myths along the way. As sad as it is when it happens, it feels good to know the real history as well. And by now, I have traced a few of our family lines back to around the year 1600 – on others, unfortunately, I got stuck much closer to the present time.

Family History – The Øllgaard Hansen Family circa 1895-1900
A very special treasure – family photo albums from 1850 to 1910
Some of years back, I stumbled upon a true treasure! I happened to find two antique photo albums from my family dating back to the 19th century. But as exciting it is to flip through the pages with these marvelous photographs, it is just as sad not to be able to put names to the different faces. Therefore, I am trying to do the impossible. I have made it my task to try to put as many names to the faces as possible, but the task is not small. I know that the photographs must come from my grandmas family. The reason for this is that the names Kirchheiner and Rasch are written on the back on some of the photos. This luckily narrows down the possibilities substantially, even though there is still a vast amount of names in play. If you find a photo of someone you might recognize, do get in touch with me. Any new name to a face will make me a very happy genealogist for a good while!!
Comments or something to share?
If you have corrections to any of my research or find a link to your own linage in my family research, please do contact me, as I am sure we can get much further by working together – that has indeed been the case with all the other lovely people I have met online during my years of doing family research. You can contact me by filling out the form on the pages contact.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
Lola Hegelund Bentsen